

Lore Untangler (Tangled Depths)










こんな感じで時間制限付きの設問されるので「**DATA MISSING**」の部分を回答する。上の設問だとOlaf Olafson。回答の位置だけで見ると間違えたりする、ていうか間違えた><;



Lore Untangler Questions より答えぱくっ。まだいくつもあって無かったのは追記中。

  • A human mesmer focusing on love and illusions would be most likely to primarily worship Lyssa.
  • Once the human god of death, Dhuum now sits imprisoned in the Hall of Judgement, deep in the underworld.
  • The death of Shiro Tagachi caused the Jade Wind that devastated the southern portion of Cantha.
  • South of the Tarnished Coast, the Ring of Fire Islands was the location of the battle between the mursaat and the Titans.
  • The Norn snow leopard represents Independence, strategy, and laughter in the face of danger.
  • The Norn Spirit Snow Leopard represents Loyalty,ferosity,and strength in numbers.
  • After defeating the Destroyers in battle, Pyre Fierceshot declared that the Charr have no gods.
  • Located to the southwest of the Granite Citadel, Sorrow's furnace was the home of the Iron Forgeman.
  • Duke Barradin was next in line for the throne of Ascalon, but relinquished the crown to King Adelbern.
  • A kurzick champion named Viktor aided in the defeat of Shiro Tagachi.
  • Master of the Margonites, Abaddon was once the human god of secrets.
  • Olaf Olafson is the longest reigning champion of the Norn.
  • Gunnar Poundfist is a well-respected blacksmith among the Norn.
  • The Canthan Ritualists channel the spirits of the dead, summon allies from the void, and were instrumental in the Harvest Ceremeony.
  • The charr used a magical Cauldron to cause the Searing to reign terror on Ascalon.
  • The Centaurs of Elona are often used as slave labor, though many strive to change that.
  • The Flame Legion have been challanged for their supremacy among the charr.
  • The Luxon were a seafaring people prior to their sea being turned to jade.
  • The northernmost kingdom of Elona, Vabbi, is known for its great wealth and culture.
  • The charr worshipped the Titans as gods until the latter's annihilation.
  • The bloodline of the Ascalonian king can be traced back to King Doric.